Best practices

We have tracked the collective spend of our member companies on issues reflecting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the SDG Mapping project. The PGM industry has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint, to improve the living conditions of communities in the countries of operation, and to contribute through innovative technologies to a sustainable world.

In our best practices section we showcase just some examples from our membership that reflect the companies quest to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We look at:

  • Social projects such as housing, income-generation for communities, establishment of schools, and COVID-19 relief projects;
  • Projects focussing on changing the life of communities around Marikana;
  • Environmental projects such as water re-use and water conservation;
  • Governance best practices such as the adoption of sustainability auditing standards
  • The use of PGMs in innovative technologies such as hydrogen power generation and hydrogen-powered vehicles.