Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee (SusCom, with sub-groups on Performance Assurance / responsible mining and sourcing, LCA and Scope 3 calculations) serves as a common platform for exchange on sustainability and best practices in the fields of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.

It supports the IPA member companies in acting as responsible players through encouraging sustainability thinking and communicating their activities and ESG performance to stakeholders. Within the SusCom, Members openly dicuss their approach towards sustainability auditing in the supply chain and jointly generate life cycle assessment data on the environmental footprint of PGM production that is made available to stakeholders. 

The LCA 2017 data set is available in the GaBi database and can also be requested by professional users and researchers through our LCA data questionnaire.
Data is currently being updated on 2022 production year and will be made available in Q3/2024.