About PGMs

Key facts:

  • Platinum group metals (PGMs) consist of six silver-white metals: platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium.
  • They occur together in nature and are produced from the same ore.
  • They are mined mainly in South Africa, Russia, and North America.

PGMs are used in:

  • Catalytic converters. Auto catalysts are the largest demand sector for PGMs and in 2021 accounted for over 71% of gross world demand for platinum, palladium and rhodium combined.
  • Computer hard disks, mobile phones, aircraft turbines, glass, nitric acid, silicones etc.
  • Anti-cancer drugs, cardiac treatment, implants, dental applications.
  • Fuel cell technology, hydrogen production.
  • Power-train for electric cars: a fuel cell using a catalyst of platinum and
    ruthenium combines hydrogen with oxygen in a chemical reaction

PGM properties:

  • are indispensable in many industrial applications
  • are very durable
  • are highly resistant to wear, tarnish and chemical attack
  • resist corrosion
  • have excellent catalytic properties
  • are highly recyclable (up to 99%)
  • are used rather than consumed

Fact Sheets

Our fact sheets cover the different stages of the supply chain (primary production/mining, secondary production/fabrication and recycling) as well as autocatalysts as an example application, and can be found here: